4 Simple Steps to
Manage Your Own
Social Media Marketing

WP Webdev WordPress Customization Blog Website SEO Optimization Social Media

So you want to take control of your Social Media Marketing, but you’re not sure how to go about it?

This simple guide may not make you an expert, but it will certainly help get you into the game!

1. Write Great Content

Writing isn’t everybody’s forte, and even those who do it well and enjoy it don’t always have the time or energy to sit down and come up with original content.

One solution to this conundrum is plagarization. Although technically unethical, there does exist a school of thought that you are sharing content across the web, as opposed to stealing somebody else’s idea’s and hard work.

However, the best solution in almost every case is coming up with original content.

  • Research the subject.
  • Copy idea’s, not statements.
  • Combine idea’s into sentences, sentences into paragraphs, and paragraphs into thought pieces.
  • Link your points to the sources where you found your facts.
  • Keep important facts and keywords at the beginning of sentences.
  • Keep paragraphs short. Ideally one sentence per paragraph – it makes for easier reading.
  • Aim for at least 500 words. Google rewards for length, so even 2000 words or more is desirable.
2. Publish Your Blog

Now that you’ve got your content, publish it in the form of a blog.

Assuming you compiled your thought piece in a word document or similar, go ahead and paste it into a new blog post.

Take some time to find applicable images to use as the main featured image, as well as images to insert into the body of the text. This helps break up what could look like an imposing block of boring rubbish and make it visually appealing to the viewer.

  • Create a catchy blog title. See this article.
  • Insert images as featured, and in the body copy.
  • Link keywords and phrases both internally and to external source material.
  • Use bullet points and headings to break up the text.
  • Preview regularly before publishing.

Social Media Marketing

3. Burst it out on the Internet

What we mean by this is: share it!

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc. Whatever social media platforms you use.

Platforms like Hootsuite are perfect for this, and will form the backbone of your social media marketing drive.

Hootsuite is free for up to 3 social media platforms, so if you interact on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for instance, there’s no money to be spent, and it offers a great way to compile and schedule your tweets and posts.

  • Create a Hootsuite account and load your preferred social media accounts.
  • Using the blog you wrote, select or write keyword rich snippets and create tweets that target your audience.
  • Use #Hashtags to make your tweets #SearchFriendly
  • Each blog should be good for 4 – 5 posts, so milk it for what it’s worth!
  • Schedule your posts to go out on an hourly, daily, weekly, or monthly basis
4. Create a Newsletter

You’ve written and published your Blog, now you want to convert that into an email mailer.

As email campaigns have the highest conversion rate of all digital marketing tools out there, you don’t want to miss out on this.

Platforms like Mailchimp and others function in much the same way as Hootsuite in that they are free up to a certain number of subscribers, so if you’re just starting out it’s a no-brainer.

  • Set up a Mailchimp account and create a mailing list.
  • If you do not have any subscribers to add initially, don’t worry. We can help you set up Newsletter signup forms and popups to encourage people to sign up.
  • Create a new newsletter and use the built in templates to style it to your liking.
  • Keep the Newsletter short and tantalizing. Insert a “Read More” button to encourage interested readers to follow the link back to your original blog.
  • Mailchimp also allows you to schedule your mailers.

And that’s it!

In Conclusion
  • Write a Blog.
  • Share it on social media via Hootsuite or similar.
  • Schedule 4 – 5 tweets based on 1 Blog.
  • These should go out daily if possible, or weekly at the very least.
  • Share your Blog as an email Newsletter.
  • Use Mailchimp or similar to design and schedule your mailer.
  • Use first 1 – 2 paragraphs from your blog as the email copy.
  • Insert “Read More” button to drive traffic to your website.
  • Each blog could, depending on length, quality, and interest, be good for 2 – 3 newsletters, spaced a week or two apart.
  • Rinse and repeat 🙂 

These relatively simple steps repeated once a month will make the world of difference to your marketing campaign, and if done right, could not only save you money, but also boost your internet traffic and drive up sales.

This process also means that you can schedule one day a month, a Sunday for example, to focus on the month’s social media marketing.

1x Blog
5x Posts
2x Newsletters
= 1x effective digital marketing campaign!

Get in touch with us to find out how we can assist you in this and many other aspects of your WordPress Blog or Website.

Good luck and get marketing!